As a wedding and portrait photographer, I strive to create images that tell the story of your life with beauty and grace, respect and imagination. Foregoing forced smiles and stiff poses, I embrace natural smiles and expressions in order to create images that have a unique freshness and vitality and a heartfelt and emotional authenticity.

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Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry, Merry!

I am so thrilled to have been able to participate in Giving is Awesome. I tried to keep up with the number of participating photographers but the number grew too quickly, which speaks volumes. The final total: 486 photographers are giving $519,994 worth of custom portraiture to deserving families. Now, how's that for making the world a more beautiful place?

I was humbled to read such inspiring stories: families demonstrating courage in the face of adversity, people who are living for this moment when future moments aren't guaranteed, and couples who sacrifice day after day for the sake of their families. Your stories are testimonials to the strength of the human spirit and the love that connects us all. Thank you to my readers for taking the time from your busy days to nominate these individuals and share their struggles. Please don't let the giving stop here. Always look for a way to share whatever it is that you have in excess: your time, your talent, your dollars.

As promised, I selected one of the nominees and made a very special phone call on Christmas Eve. I would love to share this family's story, but will do so only when I have permission. It was the best conversation I could imagine having on the cusp of Christmas. As a result, this year just felt different. To S&E: I can't wait to meet your family in person and translate your life into art.

And, on a lighter note, since the Christmas cards have been signed, sealed and delivered, I can now share two of my favorite Vintage Holiday images with spoiling any surprises. May beauty shine in your home and in your heart this holiday season!


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